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Sustainable, Supportive, and Safe is Candor's Mantra

Candor group has a sustainable approach towards business and all activities. Our sustainability ambitions are organized around two pillars, Supporting Our People Health & Safety and Communities and Sustaining our planet, which represent our focus on social and environmental responsibilities. These are further supported by specific goals to measure our progress.

Waste water management

Candor as a corporate  enterprise contribute in it’s  present business activities by taking  diversified  actions  through operations, financial transactions, supply chains, process improvements and other business activities  towards engaging in  pro-environmental activities  through support of state of the art Waste & sewage management system  by identifying  and analyzing the most frequently occurring  environmental aspects & hazards for ensuring  returns on ecological system within it’s sphere of influence, as well.

Candor  is committed to acting responsibly, engaging and training of it’s employees, and promoting good practices  within our whole organization through various policies & procedures, partnership decisions for preventing   and managing  environmental impacts caused directly or indirectly through our activities.

Tree Plantation

“Plant a tree, so that the next generation can get air for free.”

Our tree plantation activities are designed for multiple benefits to the natural environment. We host a plantation drive for our clients under their names. Every new client is a new beginning towards great opportunities and great living. To celebrate that, we, along with the client, plant trees under their name! Taking a step together with them for a safer environment.

We continue to integrate ISO: 14001 Environment Management Systems (EMS). Recognizing concerns over climate change, we strive to reduce our environmental footprint and mitigate our emissions through tree plantations.

Recycled Material Use

The most commonly used sustainable recycle polyester material to reduce waste of petrochemical products. Our company is certified by GRS with certificate no. N° ONE-1635- 191220-T-GRS.